Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Dash of this, dash of that

I've been doing some much needed bicycle maintenance the last few days and have gotten my trainer/roller steed up and running so I can ride in the comfort of my own home.....I hate this time of year!

However, I have also been busy planning a trip that I'll be leaving on in about a week. I'll be heading to Colorado with the brother and climbing some winter 14ers....bring on the freezing gale force winds and waist deep snow!! What climbs we will be able to complete will depend on this report, as well as, tons of other factors, however I hope we can get a few in and we maybe even pull off a ski decent of one or two if we're lucky!! I don't know what it is, but whenever I get out my ice axe I just want to smash something!! Time to wax up the skis and dust off the mountaineering boots!


Jeff Kerkove said...

After this weekend....the avalanche status will prolly go to DANGER. Talking about 2 feet of snow in the mnts again this weekend.

Carney said...

Yeah, I know. Not the best time of year for some peaks. If all else fails we may head over to the San Juans...less snowpack