Sunday, February 25, 2007

Flashback To Warmer Days

Today was a sweet day if you're into snow and the like, but not so good if you want to ride a bike. I was forced to ride the dreaded trainer to get my hours in. I did an hour and a half of the mental toughness spinervals video. It was a god ride, but I wish I was outside. I was daydreaming and flashed back to warmer times and this last years 24 hours of Iowa. My bro and I did the race 3 weeks after finishing our summer of bike touring cross country. We could ride a steady pace forever but didn't have much speed. Here is an article the ISU Daily did on us. The only typo is that they misprinted the mileage of our trip by 1000 miles. Oh well.

It was my brothers 1st solo race and my second. Riding single track was strange after 2 months on a road bike cruising about 85 miles per day dragging 50 lbs of gear behind you....acceleration is a bit faster without a trailer!!!

Here is what I had to deal with today in good ole Ames....My sweet car only got stuck twice!! pretty...

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