Thursday, October 14, 2010

24 Hours of Moab

Well, just like that the season is over. I spent 25 hours over the weekend pedaling 224 miles in neat little 15 mile circles and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little disappointed in the effort. I had a goal set for myself of 15 laps, which I achieved, however I had way too much left in the tank at the end and around the half way point I was putting enough time on my previous years pace to get in 16 laps. However, in the witching hours I got a bit lazy and didn't stay on it like I should have nor did I really turn the screws once the sun came up. I also didn't know how I stacked up against the competition and as it turns out I could have made up some serious spots had I stayed on things and really emptied the tank. It is still not sitting well with me, I wanted more.  At least now I have some fuel for the winter months. 

However, I owe a HUGE thanks to everybody that helped out at the race. Sarah, Stephen, Mom, and Dad, you all kept me rolling and happy. Thank you! Time to hang the bike up for awhile, catch up on some living, and wait for next spring.

1 comment:

Matt said...

Thats the way you want to end a season amigo - wanting more!

Let me know if you are interested in Temecula in January. Kip is down for that and prolly Chimperley too.